Wednesday, April 10, 2013

You Can't Miss: Teaching Designers to Write

At the University of Missouri J School, magazine designers have to go through rigorous writing classes in addition to design classes. Eye Magazine's blog featured a post about incorporating more writing into design education.

"Blunt: Explicit and Graphic Design Criticism Now" is a design conference held in Norfolk, Va., beginning April 12. Here is an excerpt from the Eye Magazine blog post:
‘We feel that criticism and writing have played vital roles throughout education, and design is past due’, says FitzGerald. His aim for the conference is to ‘gauge the state of writing and criticism, and to put it in the foreground of the design discipline. We hope attendees will be gratified at what is being accomplished and be hungry for more either by actively promoting critical writing or performing it.’
If you are interested in writing and design, be sure to check out the work of John Jennings and Eric Benson called "DeZombies and the Coming Design Apocalypse."
"DeZombies" cover. Courtesy of

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